Tie-Dye | Sari Silk Ribbon


100% recycled Sari Silk Ribbon, Tie-Dye
Approx. 36-45 meters or 40-50 yards per 100g 

This is reclaimed from sari production in factories in India and made into ribbon lengths in rural India using handmade traditional techniques by women's co-op groups.

We work within a cottage industry environment that provides much needed employment to impoverished women in rural India. We work directly with the women in the cooperative, hence ensuring fair wages, a good work atmosphere, and premium quality yarn.

These beautiful fibres are made from the left over sari scraps, sewn and knotted together by women's collectives in India. The ends of sari garments, which would otherwise be wasted, are sorted, cut, and sewn to create one continuous silk ribbon.

Their textural elements, raw edges, and non-uniform colours give them artistic depth and make them a stunning addition to many different creative projects:

-tassel making
-floral arranging
-jewelry making
-floral bouquets